Subexpertises overzicht | Bellaw


Below you will find an overview of the various aspects of social law preferred by our lawyers.

This does not prevent you from contacting each of them for advice, assistance or legal representation for any problem concerning labour or social security law.

Liability (employer and employee)

Additional social benefits (group insurance, etc.)

Advice and assistance to other lawyers (social law and with a view to possible cassation appeal or defence)

Workplace regulation

Competition in labour relations

Target group reductions

Commercial representatives

Wages and allowances

Dismissal negotiations

Bullying, violence and sexual harassment at work

Re-integration in case of occupational disability

(Senior) executives

Social statute for self-employed people

Works Council elections

Right to strike


Temporary employment

Administrative courts (administrations and officials in staff and disciplinary matters)

Temporary agency work

Guaranteed salary in the event of incapacity for work

Disability benefits (sickness insurance, accidents at work, etc.).


Administrative fines


Posting of workers

Disputes before the labour courts


Socio-psychological burden

Sports law

Sociaal Strafrecht



Holidays and holiday pay

(Senior) executives

Council of State (officials)

Disciplinary law