Ann Taghon
Ann Taghon holds a law degree from the University of Ghent from where she graduated in 1985.
After her studies, Ann Taghon was an assistant at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ghent for six years before dedicating herself full time to the legal profession.
She has been active at the Ghent Bar since 1985 and a partner since 1991.
Practical information
company number 0816.833.832
Dutch, French and English
Ann Taghon has decades of experience with all aspects of labour law. She has been closely following developments in the legislation, jurisdiction and doctrine in this field for years. She can therefore be contacted for all possible questions about interpretation and application relating to new labour law legislation. Her familiarity with and perspective on the subject enable her to give quick and reliable answers. Together with other lawyers in the team, she provides assistance in contacts, negotiations and defence before the courts and tribunals in all aspects of labour law.
Publications and other activities
She is the author of several social law publications and co-author of the annually published Sociaal Compendium Arbeidsrecht/Compendium Social Droit du travail and the Sociaal Zakboekje/Mémento Social (published bi-annually).
She also contributes to updating SocialEye, an online database for social law specialists and HR professionals.
Her publications as a co-author include:
- Gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen in de sociale zekerheid, Saelaert C., Taghon A., Zeijen J., 1988
- De goede trouw in het arbeidsovereenkomstenrecht: een aanzet tot herbronning en re-integratie, R.W., 1989-90, 1493-1495
- Arbeidsovereenkomsten, overzicht van rechtspraak: 1976 tot 1987, T.P.R., 1989, 463-902
- Overzicht van rechtspraak, Arbeidsovereenkomsten (1988-2005), T.P.R., 2006, 129-751.